Thursday, April 23, 2015

Festival Summary Post 

1.  Our marketing strategy consisted of getting as many people aware of the festival, as well as our particular film as possible. Initial ideas were to spread information around the Chinese culture areas in Orlando, restaurants of local color, and find some way of online marketing technique; which we decided to be our social media outlets. We eventually expanded on these ideas at the suggestion of Ken Eng, our assigned director, who had done much of the legwork with his Chinese community, but wanted us to expand our horizons onto as many cultures as possible. Ken also informed us that he was headed to several events while he was in town to promote the film, invited us to join in, as well as pictures and a personal interview with the director to generate hype.                

The evolution of Chinese restaurants idea had us going to all sorts of restaurants of varying culture, hotels in the area surrounding the Florida film festival, as well as locations on UCF campus to distribute flyers and give elevator style pitches to passer-bys. We were able to work with a local Dunkin Donuts to pass out more flyers, as well as obtain coupons, which we passed out with even more flyers to get as much of a good buzz as we could. While representatives of our group were not at every one of Ken’s events over the festival, he did send us pictures and updates on his progress for us to post both on our personal media sites, as well as our Blog we kept for class, documenting everything we could both for Ken and for any of his fans.  We very much embraced the idea of gorilla marketing techniques, relying heavily on our own free and transportation to spread the word of mouths ourselves. When we could not personally engage possible fans, we left footprints for them to follow, or coupons to earn by listening to our pitch if even for a second. Lastly, we have agreed to pass on our blog to Ken, giving him both a digital journal and marketing tool at his disposal to continue to reach every possible person he can to share his passion with.

The blog became the best strategy that our filmmaker ended up loving so much that he is asking that we continue maintaining our blog for him so that he can utilize the blog in his marketing campaign.We have arranged to update our blog with everything from interviews, schedules of the various other film festival the film and any other social event that will help Ken in marketing My Life in China for the remainder of the year. The experience and time that we’ve had with Ken was extremely rewarding, not only professionally but on a personal level as well as he really is interested in seeing what we as future filmmakers have up our sleeves.

2. What Worked and What Didn't:
Prior to conceptualizing our marketing strategy, Ken was already hard at work reaching out and connecting to the Asian community in Orlando, as well as local Asian organizations. So for our team, our goal was to reach beyond just the Asian community and try to attract a more diverse community to attend the screenings. One of our ideas in our initial discussions was to hold a meet and greet with the director, to talk about the film and discuss issues related to its subject. To our surprise, Ken had already arranged a meet and greet, which he held on Tuesday, April 14th at the YES center here in Orlando. After obtaining quality flyers from Ken, our team decided to pass them out to local businesses, which included hotels, Dunkin Donuts, Pet Supermarket and a variety of Asian restaurants.

On top of this we passed out flyers at the festival to encourage people to attend the screenings. Overall I would say while Ken had already done much of the legwork, our strategies to market the film were quite successful. Both screenings were full, and we were delighted to see the ethnically diverse crowd that came to see the film. It would be unfair to Ken's film to say it appealed primarily to an Asian audience, as the film tacked themes and issues all families of all ethnic backgrounds go through, so it deserved a wider audience demographic. I think it is safe to say our strategy and the execution were a success.

Working with Kenneth Eng the director, or Kenny as he likes to be called, was a treat in and of itself. He arrived the day of our first screening and after checking in at filmmaker registration was so excited to see his street crew of marketing members (us), after traveling from California the previous day with his producer. We had a meeting about what it took to make the film, and then he asked us our own personal goals in the filmmaking industry. Very rarely is anyone so genuinely down to earth like he was. He was so humble to be at the Florida Film Festival and did not have a shred or an ounce of superego in him.
We were lucky to have been a part of his crew, as he is working very hard to get his film “My Life in China” noticed in the film festival community. He had already contacted several groups here in Orlando and across Florida, including Asia Trend, a well-known and respected Asian magazine here in Florida. We were there to support his marketing strategy of contacting as many people as possible in the Asian community throughout Orlando, but what he realized and what we realized is that there is a much broader audience that wanted to see his film. We were able to distribute the postcards, fliers, and Dunkin Donuts coupons to friends, professional contacts, hotels, resorts, restaurants, and stores to gain an audience of all races, and it worked. Both screenings were packed to the brim because of the legwork Kenny and his producer had already accomplished before coming to Orlando. This was their second festival after winning best Documentary Feature Film at the San Diego Film Festival. They are now on their way to a third in Milan, and promised to keep in touch and continue collaborating on our blog even when this class is over. 

The Florida Film Festival provided us with a great experience and opportunity to work with a wonderfully talented and humble filmmaker, Ken Eng. After meeting with our director for a couple hours we were determined to help this guy's film get an audience. He was so passionate about his film that the passion leaked over onto us. After giving us fliers and after we printed out hundreds more fliers, we gave them out to a Dunkin' Donuts to distribute in every customers bag (along with coupons). We were hoping that this would reach an older crowd that would more likely have time to come and view the screenings that were during work day hours. We also distributed hundreds of fliers to hotels and Chinese restaurants around the Maitland and Orlando area, as well as passed out fliers at the Florida Film Festival. We also were able to hand out fliers at Megacon, hoping to reach an anime crowd that is predominately Asian. We also spread the word through social media. I personally have a twitter account for my film production company that has over 2,500 followers that I posted on several times, promoting the film and the festival. We also went to many of Mr. Eng's public meet and greets, where we took many pictures and videos (as well as interviewing Mr. Eng ourselves) to post on the blog, hoping to promote the film through that as well. After two successful screenings and a very happy director, I would say we accomplished our task and had a great time doing it.      

This was a great experience that we all are thankful for. It was great to work so closely with our director and the festival. We learned how the festival works and we also learned what it takes to make a film and have it go through the film process. We are very grateful this class was able to provide us with this experience and it was very rewarding to help out the amazing man the Ken Eng was to us. I speak for everyone when I say that if we were given the opportunity to do this again, we would.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Experience Summary

The Florida Film Festival provided us with a great experience and opportunity to work with a wonderfully talented and humble filmmaker, Ken Eng. After meeting with our director for a couple hours we were determined to help this guy's film get an audience. He was so passionate about his film that the passion leaked over onto us. After giving us fliers and after we printed out hundreds more fliers, we gave them out to a Dunkin' Donuts to distribute in every customers bag (along with coupons). We were hoping that this would reach an older crowd that would more likely have time to come and view the screenings that were during work day hours. We also distributed hundreds of fliers to hotels and Chinese restaurants around the Maitland and Orlando area, as well as passed out fliers at the Florida Film Festival. We also were able to hand out fliers at Megacon, hoping to reach an anime crowd that is predominately Asian. We also spread the word through social media. I personally have a twitter account for my film production company that has over 2,500 followers that I posted on several times, promoting the film and the festival. We also went to many of Mr. Eng's public meet and greets, where we took many pictures and videos (as well as interviewing Mr. Eng ourselves) to post on the blog, hoping to promote the film through that as well. After two successful screenings and a very happy director, I would say we accomplished our task and had a great time doing it.
 This was a great experience that we all are thankful for. It was great to work so closely with our director and the festival. We learned how the festival works and we also learned what it takes to make a film and have it go through the film process. We are very grateful this class was able to provide us with this experience and it was very rewarding to help out the amazing man the Ken Eng was to us. I speak for everyone when I say that if we were given the opportunity to do this again, we would.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A few highlights from the Asia Trend/YESS Center event at Orlando Fashion Square Mall Tues (4/14/15)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

@mattyk1975: Check out the @GIFNIt you created at the #FFF2015:  from @floridafilmfest

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Today was our first screening of "My Life in China" at the Enzian with the director Kenneth Eng. We met Kenny at about 2:15 after he checked in to the filmmaker's registration booth, and he was very welcoming and nice, like we had already met before and were a part of his family. 4 out of the 5 members of our group showed up for the meeting, with Alex being absent due to a prior engagement at Megacon.

We talked about marketing strategies and where we had posted the postcards promoting his film, as well getting to know one another at the same time and enjoying each others company in the blistering hot Florida sun. Kenny and the Producer both flew in from California the night before so the weather was a bit of a shock here for them.

The basic goal of getting people to see the film, was the push to get as many in the Asian community and Non-Asian community to see the screenings, especially the second screening next week (Fri 4/17). Kenny had actually arranged a meet and greet for this coming Tuesday at a YES center with the chamber of commerce in Orlando, and there was also talk of media coverage with the Orlando Sentinnel with his producer helping out in the PR scheme of things.

Besides also handing out postcards, our group was able to get the Dunkin' Donuts coupons, but as I (Matt) took a closer look our promotions, the coupons were printed with the expired versions of what they were for. Kyle then took the coupons back to get new ones, and this hiccup will be corrected shortly.

We were all very excited to see the poster for our film in the main window of the Enzian as seen from the outside. Once people started to arrive, they immediately recognized the director and wanted to take pictures with him and the producer next to the poster. Kenny was also generous enough to give out free tickets to those wishing to see the film, but also to our delight, the line for the first showing of his film at 4:15pm today (Sat April 11), was really long. Inside the screening there were hardly any open seats available. All in all today was a very successful week and next week promises to be even greater an experience. Enjoy the pictures


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Major kudos to Dunkin Donuts

I am writing this post to say thank you to Kyle Gattis' girlfriend for letting our group have the resource and added help of Dunkin' Donuts who will be providing coupons to help promote our film by Kenneth Eng "My Life in China". While people may not think that Donuts and a story about a Chinese man defecting to the United States go hand in hand, Dunkin's slogan actually came to mind. Their commercials and advertisements always read, "America runs on Dunkin." Americans do love donuts and coffee, but in fact America also runs on selfless people like Kenneth's dad who came to the US for a better life. It is because of people like him and the melting pot this country has become that we are still the greatest nation in the world no matter what our enemies think.

The film I have to say is Excellent, and we now have a major collaboration of a well known company on our side to tell a story that would not be possible without this festival and without the director Kenneth. Thank you again to him, and to Kyle's girlfriend the Dunkin Donuts awesome superwoman.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I'm just going to take a second to update and catch everyone up on what Group 2 is up to but first I wanted to talk quickly about the last two days for me. Since last week I have been reaching out to our Filmmaker and through issues either scheduling or just things coming up we kept having to reschedule. So finally we talked on Sat we made arrangement to get together Sun as a group. Then tragedy happened when I found out that my mentor, a man who was like a father to me, the pillar of the Central Florida Film Community and Florida Film passed away. Losing Ralph Clemente was a huge blow to me, as I and my fellow alumni of the Valencia Program we are devastated. I can't tell you how many people Ralph's charm, teachings and mentorship effected. When I mentioned it to Ken  and requested another reschedule he expressed his condolences and informed me that while he didn't know Ralph personally, he knew much Ralph meant to Florida through the reputation that Ralph has in the industry. It really meant a lot to me that's this filmmaker had heard of Ralph and how far reaching Ralph's influence was and is. Ken and I talked some more on Sunday and on Monday he mailed out a media package and email me a list of the ground work that he had started along with a pdf that we are going to print up. I am hoping that the Film Festival does something to honor Ralph.

Here is my post from my Facebook...
     I've been posting little things all night, not knowing what to say or what to write. Mine heart like the many, many of "Ralph's Kids" is hurting so bad. I'm laughing and crying even now as I remember the memories. When I started this journey back in 2009, like many, all it took was 5 min of talking to Ralph and I was hooked and would do anything for him. Work grip instead of Production Team on Renee/To Writer Love on Her Arms, sure Ralph; Fill in as a Grip on My Fair Lidy, sure thing anything for you Ralph; Fire watch on Missionary, no problem Ralph.
     After I graduated and would come back to visit and work with the new students when I had the chance, he would tell me I was the biggest cheerleader of the Valencia program. I would talk Valencia up to everyone that I would meet, work with and everywhere I went. I would meet at least one Valencia Grad working in the idustry no matter what the project was, be it a Reality Show, TV Show or even the WWE where there are 5 guys who I will see in 3 week who's heart will be broken when I tell them about his passing. Ralph taught us to be humble, have a love and pride in everything you did no matter how big or small the project was and to care about the people that you worked with. The Valencia family is strong and numerous and we take care of our own something Ralph taught us and we never forgot.
     I will cherish my times with him and will never ever forget how good he would make you feel no matter how down you were or how tired you were or angry you were. All you need to do was walk into the film building and then into his office, and hear "How you Doing?" in what we'd call the "Ralph" the impression that everyone that has ever know him tries to do. I will miss our talks about UM's Football team, the University of Miami for all you non Canes fans or watch him listening to how life was treating you and if you were following his motto of "Treat Yourself". That was my special time with Ralph, I will miss it so much. Tomorrow when I am in his office I will throw up the U one last time in honor of the Maestro, and give one last, "How you doing?" then pop my collar as I leave his office. God speed Ralph....The mold was broken when you were made my friend there will never be another like you.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

My Life in China Post 1

Marketing Strategy:
• Hold and meet and greet with the director to discuss the merits of the "American Dream", to start a conversation about its ideology.

• Create and hand out posters to spread the word about the film

We have contacted the director, but he has yet to respond, so our strategies may change.

Schedule for Florida Film Festival:
• Saturday, April 11 @ 4:15pm
• Friday, April 17 @ 1:30pm

• Festival Screening (4/11)
• Meet and Greet (TBA)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Life in China Synopsis

Title of the Film: My Life in China

Director: Kenneth Eng

Themes: Immigration, Family, Questioned American Dream, Sacrifice

Target Audience:

1. Multi Cultured movie goers
2. Fans of history
3. Documentary Fans
4. Practicing Entrepreneurs
5. Independent moviegoers 

Organizations for contact:

Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC)

Enzion Theater
(407) 629-0054
1300 S Orlando Ave, Maitland, FL 32751